Deliver quality recombinant proteins and GMP enzymes with a commitment to reliability, speed, and innovation.
Our catalog is carefully curated to align with emerging trends in drug development, adding proteins that are relevant to current research demands
Each product undergoes stringent quality verification before approval into the catalog
We ensure a consistent and reliable supply of each product by validating our production capabilities for long-term availability
Verified product quality via activity assays such as SPR, ELISA, and BLI and analytical techniques to ensure purity and size
Readily available off-the-shelf products, as well as custom protein production services
History of delivering solutions for challenging protein expression, including transmembrane proteins and MHC complexes
KACTUS embarked on its journey to deliver innovative recombinant proteins solutions, addressing the unmet demands of researchers and the challenges posed by complex protein expression.
We became the first company to successfully express full-length multi-transmembrane protein Claudin 18.2. This showcased the robustness of our protein engineering capabilities.
After successfully expressing complex proteins including MHCs and transmembrane proteins, we conceptualized our structure-based protein expression platform, Structure-Aided Multiplex Screening (SAMS™).
We established our cGMP-compliant enzyme manufacturing facility in 2021, underscoring our commitment to commercialization solutions. This facility provide a range of GMP-Grade mRNA and gene editing enzymes.
We passed onsite audits for our GMP-compliant facilities by gene editing and mRNA vaccine clients. In alignment with our commitment to regulatory adherence, we filed Drug Master Files (DMF) for our key GMP enzyme products.
Our global operational footprint was expanded to include additional warehouse sites, international distributors, ready-to-ship products, and fast shipping speeds. Quality customer service is at the forefront of our logistics operations.
Our GMP-Grade CRISPR Cas9 Enzyme was approved for use in Reforgene Medicine's clinical trial to treat beta-thalassemia, standing as a testament to the credibility of our GMP production facilities and regulatory support.
KACTUS proudly announced the global release of AccuBase®, the first commercially-available base editor, revolutionizing precision gene editing with unparalleled accuracy and efficiency.
We expanded our transmembrane protein display platforms to include nanodiscs, allowing our customers to better overcome membrane protein display challenges.
Today, our solutions have expanded to 3000+ recombinant proteins, 25+ GMP enzymes, and custom protein expression. We continue to launch new products and services that focus on current challenges in R&D and commercialization.
Our products are developed using our proprietary engineering platform, SAMS™: Structure Aided Multiplex Screening. With this structure- and expression-based platform, we have produced difficult-to-express targets such as full-length CCR8 and Claudin 18.2.
Our expertise in structural biology, protein design, and enzymatic studies, along with our SAMS™ platform, will help you create a protein configuration that will be functional for your application while also optimizing purity & yield.
After generating 3D models of your protein/enzyme, we test the configurations in various expression systems to optimize protein folding, maximize bioactivity, and enhance stability.
We'll take your protein configuration from bench to large-scale production. Our quality control systems ensure batch-to-batch consistency and our facilities are prepared for consistent high-quantity production.
Consistent performance across product lots for reliable research outcomes
Committed to rapid, responsive communication and fast shipping
Welcoming challenges in protein expression with expertise in overcoming biotechnological barriers
Protein engineering grounded in rationale principles and structural biology for optimal functionality
Evolving product lines to meet drug development demands, ensuring relevance and utility in current research
Embracing environmental responsibility with sustainable packaging solutions to minimize waste