Dependable Quantification of AAV Capsid Titer

AAV Titration ELISA Kits with high specificity, sensitivity, and reproducibility

Reproducible quantification of AAV capsid titer using sandwich ELISA

Our kits use a double-antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to determine the quantity of AAV capsids in the test sample. The AAV monoclonal antibody is pre-coated on a 96-well reaction plate. AAV standard or sample is added to the pre-coated plate, which will specifically bind to the reaction plate. The biotinylated detection antibody is then added to bind the AAV capsids. Next, the HRP conjugate is added to form an antibody-antigen complex. HRP will then oxidize TMB substrate to produce a color change. The intensity of the color change is proportional to the AAV capsid titer in the sample. After reading the absorbance, the AAV capsid titer is calculated based on the absorbance values and the known AAV titers of the standard.

Available Products


Catalog Number

Detection Range

1.03E+08 capsids/mL - 6.60E+09 capsids/mL

3.13E+07 capsids/mL - 2E+09 capsids/mL

1.00E+08 capsids/mL – 6.40E+09 capsids/mL capsids/mL

2.20E+07 capsids/mL - 1.41E+09 capsids/mL

2.03E+07 capsids/mL - 1.30E+09 capsids/mL


5E+07 capsids/mL

1.56E+07 capsids/mL

1.40E+07 capsids/mL

1.10E+07 capsids/mL

1.02E+07 capsids/mL

Advantages of KACTUS AAV ELISA Kits

High sensitivity & precision

Recombinant antibodies for reproducibility

Low background

Specificity to individual AAV serotype

Wide linear range

Why use ELISA kits for quantification of AAV particles?

Empty AAV capsids induce immune response without therapeutic benefit

Empty AAV capsids lacking the transgene of interest cause an unwanted immune response without providing the therapeutic benefit of the transgene. Alongside DNA and infectious titers, determination of the capsid titer is crucial for validating the efficacy and safety of your AAV gene therapy. Our titration kits detect full and empty AAV capsids.

As the gene therapy market using adeno-associated virus (AAV) as a vector continues to rapidly develop, regulatory agencies have imposed increasingly stringent requirements for quality control (QC) testing of AAV drugs. To ensure the safety and efficacy of AAV drugs, there is a need for effective, reliable, and stable methods to quantify AAV viral particle titers.

ELISA Demonstrates High Specificity and Reproducibility for AAV Capsid Titer

Currently, there are several methods for AAV viral particle titer quantification, including UV spectrophotometry, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), among others. Each method has its own advantages and limitations. Among them, ELISA has gained widespread application due to its high reproducibility and good specificity, making it one of the recommended methods for titer determination by regulatory agencies.

KACTUS has developed an AAV5 and AAV9 ELISA kit for quantifying AAV viral particle titers of different serotypes. These test kits provide accurate, reproducible, stable, and reliable results for the quantitative analysis of AAV viral particles.

Example Standard Curve

Our AAV ELISA kits use an 8-point standard curve of recombinant AAV capsids. Monoclonal antibodies specific to the AAV serotype are precoated on the plate and bind the AAV capsids. Additional biotinylated AAV monoclonal antibodies bind as the second label. The antibodies are serotype-specific and bind only intact AAV capsids, not partial capsids.

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