CD3 Homodimers & Heterodimers

Mammalian-expressed bioactive CD3 proteins


Cluster of Differentiation 3 (CD3) is a multimeric protein complex and T cell co-receptor that plays an essential role in adaptive immune responses. This complex is composed of four distinct polypeptide chains: epsilon (ε), gamma (γ), delta (δ), and zeta (ζ), which assemble as three pairs of dimers (εγ, εδ, ζζ). These CD3 molecules bind non-covalently to the T-cell receptor (TCR) to form the TCR/CD3 receptor complex on the surface of T cells.

CD3 proteins interactions with T cells

The CD3 proteins have a transmembrane domain, a cytoplasmic tail, and an N-terminal extracellular region containing immunoglobulin-like domains, classifying them as part of the immunoglobulin superfamily. The intracellular immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) located in the cytoplasmic tails are essential for signal transduction upon T cell receptor engagement.

The CD3 complex is a defining feature of the T cell lineage and is involved in activating both cytotoxic T cells (CD8+ naive T cells) and T helper cells (CD4+ naive T cells). Antibodies against CD3 molecules can either stimulate or block T cell activation signal transduction, offering a potential avenue for developing treatments for organ transplant rejection and autoimmune diseases.

TCR/CD3 signaling pathways. Source: Louis-Dit-Sully C et. al, 2012

Comprehensive Collection of Bioactive CD3 Homodimers, Heterodimers, & Monomers

Through our unique SAMS™ protein engineering and expression platform, KACTUS provides a variety of highly active CD3 proteins, including monomers, dimers, and other forms, to meet the diverse needs of researchers in immunology, antibody preparation, and screening.

Product Applications:

Antibody discovery:
Antibody screening
Functional characterization

Affinity determination:

Product Features:

→ High protein binding affinity
→ Equal expression of subunits in dimers
→ Batch-to-batch stability studies
→ Temperature stability studies
→ Mammalian Expression
→ Various tags, species, & molecules
→ Customizable

Product Validation Data

High Protein Binding Affinity

We verified the activity of our heterodimers, such as CD3E/G-His Tag and CD3E/D-His Tag, via ELISA and SPR.

Equal Expression of Subunits

A proprietary design, expression, and purification system ensures the two subunits of the heterodimers are expressed in equal proportions with greater than 95% purity, verfied by SDS-PAGE and SEC-HPLC.

Batch Stability

Our CD3 proteins have high batch-to-batch consistency and long-term stability as verified by ELISA.

Temperature Stability

Immobilized Human CD3E/CD3G, hFc Tag, at 1ug/mL (100ul/well). Dose-response curve for anti-CD3E/CD3G antibody (OKT3, mFc Tag). The EC50s are 20.7, 19.5, 20.0 and 20.7ng/ml respectively, as determined by ELISA.

Available Products

Custom CD3 Protein

Our team can modify parameters such as tags, biotinylation, and fluorescent labels, to ensure the product aligns with your precise requirements. This option provides a cost-effective and efficient solution by leveraging our established product base while meeting your unique specifications.
Custom Protein Services
Quality Systems
SAMS™ Technology Platform

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