Experience Innovation with KACTUS at TIDES Asia 2023

Experience Innovation with KACTUS at TIDES Asia 2023

By Mallory Griffin

March 7-9th 2023: Meet us at TIDES Asia in Kyoto, Japan

KACTUS will be at TIDES Asia in Kyoto at booth #12 on March 7-9th. TIDES is a prominent conference for discussing oligonucleotide, mRNA, genome editing, and peptide therapeutics with a focus on transitioning from R&D to manufacturing operations.

We're excited to showcase our GMP-grade gene editing and mRNA transcription enzymes that are designed to move with you from preclinical development to CMC operations and commercial manufacturing. Drop by our booth to find out more about our T7 RNA polymerase, BsaI restriction enzymeCRISPR Cas9, and more.  

T7 RNA Polymerase

Our T7 RNA Polymerase has been successfully submitted to the Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) Drug Master Files (DMF) under #037660. It has undergone extensive development using our Structure Aided Design & Multiplex Screening (SAMS) technology platform, for optimization of yield and purity during in vitro transcription. Additionally, it has been refined to produce low dsRNA contamination after transcription and offers consistent bioactivity across batches.

High purity & in vitro transcription yield 

Figure 1. Yield was assessed via nanodrop and Agilent 4150, and purity was assessed by CE. Overall, yield and purity of KACTUS T7 was comparable to leading competitors.

Low dsRNA contamination

Figure 2. dsRNA was analyzed after in vitro transcription using a J2-based ELISA. Results show low dsRNA contamination consistent or superior to leading competitors. 

Consistent activity across batches

Figure 3. Detection of T7 RNA Polymerase by molecular beacon. Three batches of T7 RNA Polymerase were analyzed, and the slope was similar across all batches, indicating stable activity across batches.

All GMP-Grade mRNA Enzymes

T7 RNA Polymerase (DMF #037660)

BsaI Restriction Enzyme (DMF #037503)

Vaccinia Capping Enzyme

mRNA Cap 2’-O-Methyltransferase

DNase I

Pyrophosphatase, Inorganic

Murine RNase Inhibitor


Contact us to request a sample or discuss a custom mRNA transcription enzyme.


Our CRISPR Cas9 enzyme has high editing efficiency (85-95%) in multiple cell types including stem cells and T-cells. In addition to passing long-term and accelerated stability testing, each batch passes strict quality control specifications for activity, purity, endotoxin, etc. Additionally, our Cas9 has been successfully filed with the FDA Drug Master Files (DMF #036578) to faciliate your transition to clinical and commercial manufacturing. 

High knockout efficiency across cell types and batches

Figure 4. Gene knockout efficiency analyzed in nucleofected 293T, Jurkat, and T-cells, using TIDE analysis. 

Purity and activity are stable long-term

Figure 5. KACTUS Cas9 stored at -20°C for 0 to 9 months had not changes in purity or in vitro cleavage activity.

View full Cas9 product information.

Quality Control 

KACTUS mRNA transcription and gene editing enzymes are: 

  • functional for your application
  • consistent across long-periods of time
  • compliant with regulatory submissions

Our GMP-compliant enzymes come alongside long-term strategic partnerships with KACTUS. We start with industrial-grade production for structure & expression optimization and transition to cGMP production as you scale-up your manufacturing process and move through regulatory filing. We provide necessary documentation for FDA filings and stable long-term supply of enzymes. Our products are free of antibiotic residues and raw materials of animal origin and each batch undergoes strict quality control testing for activity, purity, endotoxin, etc. 

Contact us for questions or to request a test sample.

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